S-class W202 Mercedes1993-2000 of releaseRepair and car operation |
W202 Mercedes + 1.2. General information + 2. Maintenance + 3. Engines + 4. Greasing system + 5. Cooling system + 6. Heating, ventilation + 7. Ignition system + 8. Fuel system + 9. Transmission + 10. Running gear + 11. Steering + 12. Brake system + 13. Body - 14. Electric equipment 14.1.2. Measuring devices 14.1.3. Equipment of measurements 14.1.4. Electric equipment checks 14.1.5. Sound signal 14.1.6. Replacements of safety locks + 14.1.7. Storage battery + 14.1.8. Generator - 14.1.9. Starter Diagnostics of malfunctions of a starter 14.1.10. Traction relay + 14.1.11. Lighting system 14.1.12. Devices 14.1.13. Dashboard 14.1.14. Filament lamps on the dashboard 14.1.15. Light switch 14.1.16. Radio receiver + 14.1.17. Aerial 14.1.18. Loudspeakers + 14.1.19. Rubber brushes of screen wipers 14.1.20. Jets of a stekloomyvatel 14.1.21. Washing nozzles of headlights 14.1.22. Screen wiper and its engine 14.1.23. Protect the car 14.1.24. Anticreeping "immunodeficiency" 14.1.25. Why headlights grow dull 14.1.26. "Galogenki" + 14.2. Electroschemes Смотрите на сайте отзывы strifor. | Смотрите http://forex4free.net стрифор отзывы. |
14.1.9. Starter
The internal combustion engine starts a small electric motor – a starter. That in general it was possible to start the engine, the starter should reach speeds of frequency of rotation not less than 300 rpm. It is realizable only if the starter works normally, and the storage battery is rather charged. The starter consists of a case of a drive, the case of poles and the collector case. In the case of poles and the collector case the anchor and a collector, and also the holder of coal brushes are established on bearings. In the holder of brushes there are coal brushes which slowly, but constantly wear out. At a high deterioration of coal brushes the starter cannot normally work more. In a forward case of a drive the shesterenchaty drive is established. When after ignition inclusion the starter receives tension, by means of the traction relay established on the case of a starter, the gear wheel is displaced on an abrupt carving to a gear rim of a flywheel of the engine. As soon as the gear wheel reaches the limiter on the running screw, it with power short circuit incorporates to a flywheel. Now it is possible to establish a starter of the engine on necessary starting frequency of rotation. If the engine of the car takes dispersal, the gear wheel is accelerated by the engine, therefore, it some time rotates quicker, than the engine of a starter and leaves gearing thanks to what connection of a gear wheel with an internal combustion engine is liquidated. As start of the engine needs high consumption of a current, within maintenance it is necessary to pay attention to irreproachable connection of wires. Clear the correlated connections of wires and grease them with antiacid polar greasing. Removal