S-class W202 Mercedes1993-2000 of releaseRepair and car operation |
W202 Mercedes + 1.2. General information + 2. Maintenance + 3. Engines + 4. Greasing system + 5. Cooling system + 6. Heating, ventilation + 7. Ignition system + 8. Fuel system + 9. Transmission + 10. Running gear + 11. Steering + 12. Brake system + 13. Body - 14. Electric equipment 14.1.2. Measuring devices 14.1.3. Equipment of measurements 14.1.4. Electric equipment checks 14.1.5. Sound signal 14.1.6. Replacements of safety locks + 14.1.7. Storage battery + 14.1.8. Generator - 14.1.9. Starter Diagnostics of malfunctions of a starter 14.1.10. Traction relay + 14.1.11. Lighting system 14.1.12. Devices 14.1.13. Dashboard 14.1.14. Filament lamps on the dashboard 14.1.15. Light switch 14.1.16. Radio receiver + 14.1.17. Aerial 14.1.18. Loudspeakers + 14.1.19. Rubber brushes of screen wipers 14.1.20. Jets of a stekloomyvatel 14.1.21. Washing nozzles of headlights 14.1.22. Screen wiper and its engine 14.1.23. Protect the car 14.1.24. Anticreeping "immunodeficiency" 14.1.25. Why headlights grow dull 14.1.26. "Galogenki" + 14.2. Electroschemes | Diagnostics of malfunctions of a starter
If the starter is not turned, first of all, check, whether there are on the plug 50 traction relays tension necessary for retraction – not less 8В. If the specified tension arrives, it is necessary to check according to the electroscheme of the line which belong to an electric chain of a starter. Whether the starter in the presence of full tension of the storage battery is involved, it is possible to check as follows: – do not include any transfer, include ignition; If thus the starter is normally started, malfunction consists in the wires going to a starter. In this case check a starter in the removed condition. Check condition: it is necessary to screw down connections, and they should not be oxidized.