S-class W202 Mercedes1993-2000 of releaseRepair and car operation |
W202 Mercedes + 1.2. General information + 2. Maintenance + 3. Engines + 4. Greasing system + 5. Cooling system + 6. Heating, ventilation + 7. Ignition system + 8. Fuel system + 9. Transmission + 10. Running gear + 11. Steering + 12. Brake system + 13. Body - 14. Electric equipment 14.1.2. Measuring devices 14.1.3. Equipment of measurements 14.1.4. Electric equipment checks 14.1.5. Sound signal 14.1.6. Replacements of safety locks - 14.1.7. Storage battery Unattended storage batteries Check of the storage battery Self-category of the storage battery Charging of the storage battery Storage of the storage battery Diagnostics of malfunctions of the storage battery + 14.1.8. Generator + 14.1.9. Starter 14.1.10. Traction relay + 14.1.11. Lighting system 14.1.12. Devices 14.1.13. Dashboard 14.1.14. Filament lamps on the dashboard 14.1.15. Light switch 14.1.16. Radio receiver + 14.1.17. Aerial 14.1.18. Loudspeakers + 14.1.19. Rubber brushes of screen wipers 14.1.20. Jets of a stekloomyvatel 14.1.21. Washing nozzles of headlights 14.1.22. Screen wiper and its engine 14.1.23. Protect the car 14.1.24. Anticreeping "immunodeficiency" 14.1.25. Why headlights grow dull 14.1.26. "Galogenki" + 14.2. Electroschemes оптический датчик ардуино щелевой | Купить аккаунт в дота 2 с арканами подробности на сайте. | Check of the storage battery
There are two options of check of the storage battery. Depending on them use of various test devices is required. Check of density of electrolit In a combination to tension measurement the actual density of electrolit allows to draw a conclusion on degree of a razryazhennost of the accumulator.
The following values (should be reached at electrolit temperature about +20 ° C).
Consistently check each separate element, all elements of a cell should have identical density of electrolit (the maximum difference 0, 04 g/ml). Otherwise the faulty storage battery can become isolated. Check of the storage battery under loading
The general tension can be measured by means of the device for check of a condition of storage batteries. Pay attention to recommendations of the manufacturer on the care of the storage battery. Control values
Prevention |